Sunday, February 18, 2007


To market
To market
To buy a Bodhran.
Home again
Home again
Uh... guess what I did today?
A Bodhran is a celtic frame drum, played with a double ended beater called a tipper or cipin. Today I was walking round East Fortune Market, and I saw it. The whole package. Drum, two tippers, beginner's book, demo cassette and CD - only £15! At long last, after many years of waiting, I now have my Bodhran.
Many years ago, I attended the very first Beltane Fire Festival on Calton Hill. There I received my first lesson on how to play this instrument. I resolved then and there, that I would obtain my own instrument. In the intervening years, I have been to numerous jumble and car boot sales, always in the hope of finding one on sale. Today it happened.
It's a genuine Irish instrument. I know this because it's got a Guinness advert on the skin. I may post a picture of it later so you can see it.


Mother Jones RN said...

Please post a picture of your drum. I'd love to see it. It's thrilling to find a good deal!


Deacon Barry said...

Done. See the next post.

Interrobang said...

Your reasoning for determining the genuineness of its Irishness is impeccable. :)