Sunday, October 07, 2007

The road to Tehran

The charm offensive is lumbering up. General Petraeus is lambasting the Iranians, claiming they're providing munitions for the insurgents. I'm sure we'll hear more of this in the weeks ahead, as the Neocon-controlled media apply the drip drip drip of propaganda to slowly bring the American public around to the opinion that attacking Iran is a good idea. Don't worry, I'm keeping a watch on the situation. This is instance 2 since the eleventh of September. It's a slow start, but I guess an all out, guns blazing, media frenzy would have been counterproductive. Look out for more on this.


Beth Coll Anderson said...

You have got to be kidding me. Neocon controlled media? Have you ever watched NBC or CNN or read the New York Times? They are anything but Neocon.

Bo... said...

Deacon: I'd love to meet you and have a spirited, all-in-good-fun "political conversation"! (It's an invite--so if you ever come to Podunk, I'll take you to the local diner on Chicken & Dumpling Day and we could chat our heads off. (And then we could go to Dairy Queen for desert....yummmm....)

Deacon Barry said...

Yay, moon pie!