Monday, March 05, 2007

Professor Deacon Barry II - preview trailer

Remember my stint as a one-off lecturer? Well there's going to be a sequel. Part two of the Ophthalmic Nursing Course starts in April, and I've been asked to follow on from my scintillating lecture on retinal detachment with a lecture on the complications of retinal detachment. Which means it's back to the books to read up all I can find on the subject. Fortunately, Mary, the course tutor, has sent me a power-point presentation made by one of our ophthalmic registrars. It's pretty basic, not much more than subject headings. So I'll have to expand a bit.
In part two, students are expected to do a group presentation. (Ours was on diabetic retinopathy.) I so have to go along and see theirs. I don't know why people get so worked up about standing up in front of a room of other people (most of whom they already know) and delivering a pre-planned and written down speech for five minutes. In April, I'll be doing an hour, off-the-cuff, with only notes for back-up.
Sympathetic? Moi?


Unknown said...

You've had it mate. Once you've done one or two good turns, you'll be doing lectures on everything from surgical anatomy to emergency presentations - it happened to me! Even worse, I ( a specialsit oophthalmic nurse for over 10 years) ended up examining OSCE's for people with OA of the knee!

Great blog BTW - just found it!

Unknown said...

Ouch, I just found out I can't edit, and look at all those spelling errors. And I'm supposed to be educated....

Deacon Barry said...

We've been moved to an orthopaedic ward at the weekends, so I might yet be dealing with knees.