Wednesday, June 14, 2006

That'll teach 'em

I love teaching. I know I'm a nurse, but teaching is one of the skills necessary in my job. I have to explain to patients what their operation involves, and I mentor student nurses on their placements in my ward. Now, I've been asked to do a seminar on retinal detachment surgery for the ophthalmic nursing course part 1, in November.
I'm thrilled of course, but also apprehensive. I know I can do it, I once taught a night class on stage lighting. It's amazing how quickly the time goes once you launch into your speil. I hope I can guage the content right, I don't want to have so much stuff that I have to leave some of it out, on the other hand I don't want to run out of material.
I did my blindfold exercise the other week for the new diabetic retinopathy screening people. This consisted of me sticking eyepads over their eyes and making them walk through an obstacle course of buggies and empty water containers, to give them an idea of what it's like to be blind. It's an exercise I developed as part of my ophthalmic nursing course. I'll have to dig it out and post it.

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